How are consultations provided at the Center? Consultations are provided within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance (CMI — OMS in Russian) and on a paid basis.
You can get information about prices on paid medical services and make an appointment with a specialist by contacting us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Or you can submit an application online: https://www.endocrincentr.ru/pacientam/medical-tourism/contact_information/feedback
What payment forms do you have? Individuals can choose any payment method (cash, bank transfer, credit card issued in Russia).
What is an E-Visa?
May I apply for E-Visa?
An e-Visa is an official document permitting entry into and travel within Russian Federation. The e-Visa is an alternative to visas issued at Russian missions. The unified e-visa is a single entry visa. The validity period of a unified electronic visa is 60 days from the date of issue. The permitted period of stay in the Russian Federation on the basis of a unified e-visa within its validity period shall not exceed 16 days from the date of entry. For more information visit: E-visa (kdmid.ru)
Are all services at the Center provided by an appointment? All services are provided by an appointment except for Lab tests and ECG.
What doctor should I choose (who is the best specialist in the field)? The high quality of our service does not depend on what doctor you apply to and when.
You can choose a specialist by his or her profile and specialization and be sure to get the best help possible.
How can I make an appointment for an X-ray examination? X-ray lab is open Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 7pm. You can make an appointment by contacting us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Working hours of ultrasound lab. Ultrasound lab is open on weekdays from 8.30am to 8pm and from 9am to 4.00pm on Saturday.
You can make an appointment by contacting us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Can I have a gastroscopy? Yes, you can have gastroscopy, under anesthesia including.
To make an appointment, please, contact us: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
To learn more about the procedure, and how you can prepare for it, please, visit https://www.endocrincentr.ru
How can I make an appointment for a scintigraphy?
How should I prepare for it?
You can make an appointment and get more information about the test by mail: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Does the Center carry out IVF? Sure. You can get more information by mail: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Are there physical therapy services in the Center? We have everything for that. For more information, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
How do I register with the Center? You can make an appointment and continue to be further followed up at the Center. Your doctor will suggest examination and treatment plan.
How do I get an extract from an outpatient medical record? You can get it upon a written application to Deputy Director of Clinical and Diagnostic Services . The extract is ready within 15 business days.
How can I make a follow-up appointment with a doctor of medical sciences? You can do it by contacting us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
If there are no time slots, available in the schedule, you will be added to the waiting list.
Can I make an appointment online? Yes, you can. To make an appointment online you should be registered at the russian USIA system — «gosuslugi».
To login, please, visit: https://www.lk.endocrincentr.ru
How do I get to the Diabetes School? To study at the Diabetes School, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
How long does it take to receive a results of a genetic test? Some tests may take 1-2 months. For more information, please, contact: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
How do I contact my physician? To contact the doctor, please, write: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
What tests can be done in the Center? To get the full list of available tests, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
When can I have my blood drawn? You can have your blood test taken in the procedure room from 8.15am to 12.00am, Monday to Friday and from 9.15am to 12.00am on Saturday.
Can I receive my test results via email? To receive your test results online you must be registered at the russian USIA system — gosuslugi.
To login, please, visit: https://www.lk.endocrincentr.ru
How long does it usually take to have the lab test results done? It usually takes 2-6 hours. To get more information, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Where can I get the information about the prices of the services available? To get information, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
What surgical procedures can be done in the Center? Endocrinological and other related surgeries are carried out in the center.
For more information, please contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
How much does a surgery cost? To get more information about the prices, please contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
Do you do laparoscopy? Yes, we do. The surgeon will tell you more about the procedure during the consultation.
How long does a surgery last? The surgery duration is individual. To get more information, please contact your attending physician.
What equipment is used in the Center? The Center uses modern high-tech equipment. To get more information please contact your attending physician.
Who is going to perform the surgery? Surgeons of the Center. To get more information, please contact your attending physician.
What type of anesthesia is used? The type of anesthesia is determined by an anesthesiologist prior to surgery.
Can I have a surgery scheduled? Sure. We can arrange an appointment with a surgeon so that you can discuss the most convenient time for you.
Is it possible to have endoscopic thyroidectomy in the Center? A surgeon’s consultation is required to decide on the surgery method.
May I go home right after the surgery? It is for the attending physician to decide.
What tests should I have before the surgery? Your attending physician will provide you with the list of necessary tests.
Where is the patient? What's his/her diagnosis? The fact of seeking medical advice is a medical secrecy. We do not provide such information.
How did the surgery go? To get such information please contact the attending physician.
Is a certain specialist available? To receive information about a specialist’s schedule, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
When can I visit a patient in hospital? From 5.00pm to 7.00pm, Monday to Friday;
On weekends and holidays, from 11.00am to 1.00pm and from 5.00pm to 7.00pm
How can I reschedule / inquire about the date of the inpatient admission? You need to contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru
What should I take with me for inpatient admission? Personal belongings;
To get the list of the required documents, please, contact us at: medical.tourism [at] endocrincentr.ru